Resolution: Won't Fix
Dan installed start up scripts on fedora to insure MySql is started first.
Here is the details:
DJ, Dong,
I installed the start up script for Fedora yesterday on si-fedoradev.
It has the test commented out to ensure MySql is started first.
However, the way the services are started, MySql should be running by
the time the Fedora script runs though it would be good for you to
double check. This has been reliable.
I went ahead today and added the:
sudo /sbin/chkconfig --add fedora
sudo /sbin/chkconfig --list fedora
sudo /sbin/chkconfig fedora on
I rebooted and Fedora started. However, it turns out the NFS mount was
not complete.
Can you look at the script? We can schedule a few more reboots to see
if the mount is not completed before Fedora starts. Perhaps we have to
add a dependency on the NFS mount being completed to make the script
Please note the Fedora start script really starts Fedora's Tomcat. That
means it starts all the webapps co-installed in that Tomcat including
Solr and GSearch but nothing related to MICS. You can
start/stop/restart Tomcat by executing the scripts in
/usr/local/fedora/tomcat/bin — but that must be done as the "fedora" user.
Anyone with sudo privileges can use the script like:
sudo service fedora start
sudo service fedora stop
sudo service fedora restart
The service (script) is run as the Fedora user so it is safe. It should
be the preferred method for starting and stopping Fedora.
I have not added the autostart (chkconfig) on si-fedoradev yet but I
think we should consider it.
And IMHO we should set up MICS the same was as soon as we check the
existing script.
Dan Davis