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  1. SIdora
  2. SID-1104

As a user, I want the see the name of the file that was uploaded for a resource


    • Icon: Story Story
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 0.6.3
    • None
    • Workbench
    • None
    • SIdora Sprint 71
    • 2

      As a user, I want the see the name of the file that was uploaded for a resource.  We need to use the simplest implementation as any method to present the information is sufficient.

      Suggested implementation: In the Name column of the Resources Tab add the Label of the OBJ (if the datastream is present) underneath the title as a second line within the same table cell.  Preface the Label text with "Filename: "

      Other approaches could be to display the manage tab for all user as a read-only display.  Or a hover over display.


            DavisDa Davis, Daniel
            DavisDa Davis, Daniel
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